Friday, May 3, 2019

For Reebok Web Site Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

For Reebok weather vane Site - Essay ExampleNow web sites be used not only for promotions exactly for actual sales as well. Companies are giving lot more emphasis on Online Retailing. mark itself is an investment in letting the people know about the caller. A brand is the promise that a company makes to customers combined with the customers judgment about how well the company can deliver on that promise.2 Business becomes easier when you perplex a recognisable brand. With a strong brand, the company doesnt have to sell nearly as extensive or as hard. For example Reebok itself is a renowned brand associated with sports accessories. Mention the name Reebok and millions of people end-to-end the world have an immediate perception and expectation of what the company stands for.For an International branding name, companys personality requires to be easily identifiable at every customer touch point, from word of mouth to final sale. It is consequently to be made sure that every bit and byte of packaging, presentations, communications, and marketing speaks with a brand-consistent look and voice. Think of Boeing and what comes to point is the huge aircrafts. Think of Intel and the association is synonymous with microprocessors. In fact, what these brands have d whiz is to become generic in the minds of customers. This involves not just selling products or services but positive buying experiences. A collaborative effort is a must enroute to building a brand. Advertising campaigns duly place uprighted by PR exercises and philanthropic generosity makes a roadmap for branding. For this very reason Reebok relies on sponsoring sporting events, investing in storied sportspersons as brand-ambassadors and helping the environmentalist campaigns, human rights activities etc. The REEBOK HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD gives recognition and financial support to young activists who have made significant contributions to human rights through non-violent means.3 The mission statement of RHR foundation states, The Reebok homo Rights Foundation seeks to promote and protect human rights through grantmaking that is motivated by the principles outlined in the linked Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Foundation supports initiatives that generate awareness and motivate advocacy, particularly among young people, to endorse human rights.4 It is an established fact that sporting equipment are not made at one single factory, but this job is outsourced to different unnamed units intercontinental and thereafter the brand name Reebok is put option on the finished product. Reebok therefore takes pride in describing their business practices by stating, Our commitment to human rights extends to the thousands of workers worldwide who make our products. We know that to be proud of the products we put our name on, we cannot be indifferent to the conditions in which they are made.

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