Friday, May 31, 2019

Decision-Making: Taking Action with Reason Essay -- essays research pa

Decision-Making Taking Action with ReasonThe end result of each decision is action. Action based on reason, intuition, planning, or circumstance it is still action. The best course of action often is determined by the implementation of a decision making movement. This transit or model can be able based or intuitive base. It is possible to combine the intuitive and rational decision models. The OODA (Observation, Orientation, Decision, Action) Loop acknowledges the existence of intuition within the context of reason.Col. John Boyd, USAF (Ret) is credited with the createalization of this thought process. The concept breaks the decision making process into four elements Observation, Orientation, Decision, and Action. Observation is the information gathering stage. This includes situation assessment, outcome determination, research, and determining the variables impacting the situation. Orientation encompasses experiences, cultural influences, genetics, and forthcoming information. Decision is the application of the Observation and Orientation stages to form a viable plan of execution. Action is the execution of the decided plan. A key element to this model is that all stages are part of an ongoing process that can be utilized to make quick, effective decisions. (MindSim Corporation MindSim Corp., 2000)The OODA Loop is currently in use for my companys conversion project. We are consolidating divisions, systems, and resources in addition to converting one divisions ...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Overcoming Misfortunes in Siddhartha :: Hesse Siddhartha Essays

Overcoming Misfortunes in Siddhartha           On page 132 we read Everything that was not suffered to the end and finally concluded, recurred, and the same sorrows were undergone. What does this mean in regards to Siddhartha and both other of the characters in Hesses story? Do you agree with this statement? Explain.         This quote is taken from the context of when Siddhartha is crossing the river and he sees his reflection and it looks like his render. This quote refers to a repeating of events. It is illustrated by Brahmin being separated from Siddhartha and Siddhartha being separated from his own son. This parallels the quote in three ways. Taken literally it identifies the father-like-son aspect of the note. It poop be taken as a metaphor for the endlessness of time as well. Taken out of context, this quote identifies that anything that is not followed or completely worked through allow for continue to e xist and it will repeat itself.         Siddhartha left his father, Brahmin, at a young age to join the ascetics. Siddhartha is now considering the pain his father must moderate gone through not seeing his son again. Siddharthas son, too, was separated from his father. Without dealing with this situation, the distance between father and son would never be reconciled. Thus the situation Siddhartha had with Brahmin would be repeated.         The quote can also be interpreted as a metaphor for time. Obvious recurrences can be noted in time, suggesting that time repeats itself. Instead of a river, another symbol can be used for time, perhaps a pond. According to this quote, things repeat themselves in time. In a pool objects float around until they finally make their way to the outlet. Events swirling around in time without reconciliation are trapped until they are dealt with. The entire pool makes up all that time is. All th e experiences and thoughts of past, present, and future that have not been dismissed all contribute to the whole of time.         If the quote stood alone, without the context of Siddharthas reflections on his father and his son, it would state that anything that isnt finished through completion would forever hang in the cloud of time.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Drama Script :: Papers

Drama Script MRS JOHNSTONE (shouting) - Put that gun down Please son, please MICKEY (looking in Mrs Johnstone) - Stay out of this This is between me and him, alright MRS JOHNSTONE (tears coming in her eyes) - please forgive him, son Please EDWARD - Mickey, listen to your mother, she is right. Maybe we can talk this done MICKEY (looking at Edward in the eye) - You took my wife (Linda) away from me, and you want to talk this through. You dont deserve to live, you bastard EDWARD - Mickey, please Put the gun down. MICKEY- learn one more word, and Ill shoot you MRS JOHNSTONE (on her knees) - No Mickey put that gun down, please Two policemen run toward the stage unexpectedly. Both of them holding on to a loaded pistol POLICE 1 (loudly) - Put that gun down, place your hand on your designate and step away. MRS JOHNSTONE - Mickey, before you do all thing stupid, listen to me I have something important to say to you. MICKEY- What could be more impo rtant, then to see the death of Edward Lyons MRS JOHNSTONE - Dont shoot him And listen to me MICKEY - I can shoot that bastard, if I want to. Is not like that bastard, is related to me. MRS JOHNSTONE (weeping slowly) - You cant shoot Mickey EDWARD (smiling at Mrs Jonhstone) - And wherefore not MRS JOHNSTONE - Because heis MICKEY he is what MRS JOHNSTONE (on her knees) he is you brother.. Mickey he is your twin brother. EDWARD (with a surprised tone) Is this .true, Mrs Johnstone. Mickey is my twin brother Mrs Johnstone nods her head slowly and looks at Mickey. MICKEY (with a shock facial expression) please tell me you are joking I get it you are lying to me, so Ill put the gun and not shoot Edward. MRS JOHNSTONE (calmly) Does it look like, Im joking.

Are Compact Cities a Desirable Planning Goal? :: essays research papers

are Compact Cities a Desirable Planning Goal?The article written by Peter Gordon and Harry W. Richardson entitled Are Compact Cities a Desirable Planning Goal? shows various assertions against the reason for compact cities to become implemented. They use the city of Toronto in the beginning of the article to comparing it with cities in the United States. Throughout the article many topics and leans are discussed which are agricultural land, density preferences, energy glut, the scope for transit, suburbanization and congestion, the efficiency of parsimoniousness, technology and agglomeration-congestion trade-offs, downtowns in eclipse, rent-seeking and politics, compactness and equity, and competition among cities. From these issues displayed in the article, many valuable arguments could be agreed with. The authors used valuable data from past research done on the topics discussed in ease uping their argument against compact cities.Two main points from the article were consider ed most interesting. The issues of density preferences and energy glut discussed by the authors were quite interesting and have made a valid point. First of all as discussed in the article concerning density preferences, the authors make it clear that most people preferred low-density living as contrasted to high-density living. As stated by Gordon and Richardson, The choice for low-density living is influenced by instruments promoting suburbanization, such as preferential income tax treatment of home mortgage interest, subsidies to travel use, and interstate highway system (Gordon and Richardson, 96). The previous quote identifies the preference people have concerning suburbanization. Because of preferential income tax treatment of home mortgage interest, subsidies to automobile use, and interstate highway systems low-density living is preferred. One great factor also concerning low-density preference is the fact that more funds are given to highways and put than transit as stat ed by the authors. Federal, state and local expenditures for highways and parking were $66.5 billion in 91. Federal, state and local expenditures for public transit were $20.8 billion (Gordon and Richardson, 96). As seen in the quote, more subsidies are given to highways making having an automobile beneficial. Another key proponent is that congestion pricing and emission fees are not present in most U.S. states making it less difficult to drive long distances. Since low-density preference is one key issue concerning suburbanization, another compelling argument is that energy costs are low in the U.S. Since energy is cheap, the cost of gasoline is likewise. It is stated in the article that per capita energy consumption is below the train of consumption as it was in 1973 in the U.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Mentally Ill in Jail Essay -- essays research papers

The Mentally Ill in JailThe articles inform that more mentally ill raft are in jail than in hospitals. According to statistics 159,000 of mentally ill are presently incarcerated in jails and prisons, mostly of crimes committed because they were not being treated. most of them become violent and may terrorize their families and neighborhoods. Tragically, most of those instances of incarceration are unnecessary. We know what to do, but for economic, legal and ideological reasons, we fail to do it.The deinstitutionalisation of the severely mentally ill in the 60ties qualifies a as one of the largest social experiments in American history. In 1995, there were 558,239 severely mentally ill patients in the nations universal psychiatric hospitals. In 1995, the number has been reduced to...

The Mentally Ill in Jail Essay -- essays research papers

The Mentally Ill in JailThe articles inform that more mentally ill mickle are in jail than in hospitals. According to statistics 159,000 of mentally ill are presently incarcerated in jails and prisons, mostly of crimes committed because they were not being treated. most of them become violent and may terrorize their families and neighborhoods. Tragically, most of those instances of incarceration are unnecessary. We know what to do, but for economic, legal and ideological reasons, we fail to do it.The deinstitutionalisation of the severely mentally ill in the 60ties qualifies a as one of the largest social experiments in American history. In 1995, there were 558,239 severely mentally ill patients in the nations prevalent psychiatric hospitals. In 1995, the number has been reduced to...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Mastery and Mystery in Kafka and Borges

Kafkas The spectacular W solely of China and Borges The library of Babel define infinity through the imagery of an infinite and absolute universe. twain works investigate into the polar relationship in the midst of the eternal and omnipotent cosmos (i.e. the Library in Borges and the capital Wall in Kafka) and the finite and imperfectible individual (that is, the librarian in Borges and the paries builder in Kafka). Both authors see the universe as an infinitely expanding turbulent stream (Emrich, 38) a heavens which is anything but calculable, let alone intelligible.The infinite universe is a glaring paradox as well. It creates and destroys, liberate and restraint. In the words of David Krenz, infinity as manifested in the eternal cosmos acts as both a fault which confounds all metaphors which seek masteryone source of those indeterminacies which prove so problematicas well as a force which is potentially salvific. Indeed, the universes duplicitous orientation is both boon and bane. It houses all-meanings and no-meanings all-truths and no-truths. It functions as an all-god and no-god. It is totalitarian (considering the extinction of the individual) and further in that it seeks to provide a room and definition for all codes, it is a democratic entity.The labyrinthine universe (or the universal labyrinth) is aptly illustrated in Borges essay, The nitty-gritty Library. development principles akin to that in the Library of Babel, he writes of how the universe signifies the totality of beings the absolute and consummate, one can even say the logos which fortunately or unfortunately, is solely inaccessible but for every sensible line and or accurate fact there would be millions of meaningless cacophonies, verbal farragoes and babblings. (216). The elusiveness of the Word manifests the semiotic slippage which occurs between the sign and that which it represents (Krenz). The result is a fluidity of values and the dissolution of linguistic and ontologica l boundaries and binaries.Hence, Borges Library of Babel is never a mechanism of institutionalization and codification. Being otherwise would weaken the universe/ librarythat is, it would become finite, exhaustible, subject to the librarians comprehension and control. As the librarian-narrator puts it, he who has come across the formula and perfect compendium of the Library is a Man of the Book, analogous to a god. The Library is an impregnable mystery which thrives (or prey?) on the librarians perplexity For quartet centuries now men have exhausted the hexagons.Obviously no one expects to discover anything. Borges reiterates the point when he writes of the librarians futile search for the Vindication, a source of acknowledgment and prophecy, in other words, justification, what could have been an antidote to their disembodiment the searchers did not remember that the possibility of a mans finding his Vindication, or some unsafe variation thereof, can be computed as zero. The ab sence of a catalogue of catalogues, a general theory of the Library makes the Library a virtual Babel, the rate of linguistic and intellectual contestation and creation, of pandemonium.Codes are never deciphered for to begin with, they do not exist. Seeming unique configurations of meanings are nothing but imitations, fleck imitations turn out to be assorted and entirely different versions of the originals (or more appropriately, pseudo and quasi-originals, that is, if such exist). The thinker observed that all the books, no matter how diverse they might be, are made up of the same elements the space, the period, the comma, and the twenty-two letters of the alphabet and yet, Borges is quick to remind, there are no two identical books.But Babel equals power, richness and inexhaustibility. It is a demented god with a schizophrenic nature it not only denounces the disorder but exemplify it as well. Babel allows for the free play of codes or catalogues. It spells the perpetual arra ngement, re-arrangement, disarrangement interpretation, re-interpretation, misinterpretation delineation and obliteration of meaningswhat to the tragically curious and insatiable librarian is no less than a vicious cycle of symbols birth, death, resurrection and rebirth thousands and thousands of false catalogues, the demonstration of the fallacy of those catalogues, the demonstration of the fallacy of the true catalogues. Ad infinitum.The effect is a prevailing atmosphere of incompleteness The light (the lamps) emit is insufficient, never-ending another manifestation of the Librarys inaccessibility and inconceivability. Thus, the individual, perpetually searching but never finding, is a premature organism. The yawning gap between the delirious divinity and the mortal pawn (who is delirious just the same) is highlighted Man, the imperfect librarian, may be the product of chance and malevolent demiurgi the universe, with its elegant endowment of shelves, of enigmatical volumes, of inexhaustible stairways for the traveler and the latrine for the seated librarian can only be the work of a god. Borges could have said gods.Critic Wilhelm Emrich writes when life opens up all of its sluices and the whole of being comes into view undisguised, no protective order whatever, no determining law can be recognized any longer. Hence man can no longer live (38). The librarians inability to exist consummately in the face of infinity reduces him to a fluid, nearly imaginary entity. His individuality, his last resort for a unique and concrete configuration of meanings (that is, the meaning of his organism) is gobbled up by the universal black hole of memory, mind and being.Apparently the death (physical and intellectual) of a librarian hardly makes a dent in the invincible mystery, which remains and give remain, unknown and unknowable, everything and nothing The certitude that everything has been written negates us or turns us into phantoms. but the Library will endure illum inated, solitary, infinite, perfectly motionless, equipped with precious volumes, useless, incorruptible, secret.The immortality of the Library and the mortality of the librarian coincides with grandeur of the collective (and manifestations of collective effort) and the infinitesimal nature of the individual in Kafkas Great Wall. Here the collective refers not so much to the mob per se, the individual in no better disguise, the empirical quality of which makes it subject to the inbred cycle of demise and change. The collective in Kafka is the summation of essences permanent, the universe, particularly the Chinese cosmos. As with the infinite Library of Borges, the cosmos/ collective in Kafka defies and dictates physical and metaphysical time and space.The collective/ cosmos is empirically and metaphysically manifested by the empire (immortal while the individual emperor falls and collapses) and the Great Wall the immensity of which is a badge of power tantamount to infinity. Obser ves the narrator-builder The land is so huge, it would not permit (the nomads) to reach us. They would lose themselves in empty air. The protection provided by the Great Wall is also metaphorical. Its function as political and moral center what even at the beginning is seen as an assured confirmation of the endurance of the race, makes it a stable and unifying code for all-people (that is, the Chinese from time immemorial to the unimaginable and impossible end).This protective barrier is no different to what Emrich sees as the customary existence, the figurative footing outside which lies the the conflicting powers that are open to countless interpretations that continuously correct each other (38). Outside the Great Wall lurks the adversary chaos and barbarity which in Kafkaesque terms translate to the lawlessness of the human world the deterioration of values (39).The assertion, though, is not without trapdoors. In qualifying the Great Wall as a symbol of the Chinese master code, a dis-order (Emrich, 39), (illusory but a code nonetheless) defeats its immunity, not to mention its infinity. A political and ethnical parameter responsible for the delineation of spatial and metaphysical boundaries, to the Chinese, the Great Wall is imperial omnipotence in brick and mortar. Its construction is the beginning of true floor, the birth of a hearty people. The Wall provides the palette for the re-creation and correcting of past values and everything else was recognized only to the extent that it had some relationship (to masonry). The narrator-builder adds how knowledge attained before the construction of the wall suddenly becomes anachronistic and useless.In this sense, what redeems the Wall from deteriorating into a false god is that it paves the way for the creation of a permanent collective, a people whose unity spans time and the absolute. What is infinite in the Wall is perhaps not so much the structure (which will inevitably succumb to decay) but the spirit, the inexhaustible faith infused in it. The builders had a sense of themselves as part of the wall. The impatience and hopelessness brought about by the Herculean task is more than enough to dampen the builders drive, do lose faith in themselves, in the building and in the world.In all respects the Great Wall looks forward to the future. Its consummation is meant to be witnessed by those to come. Yet as the narrator-builder emphasizes, the continuum of brotherhood is eternal Unity blood no longer confined in the limited circulation of the body but rolling sweet and yet still returning through the infinite extent of China.The values enclosed within the (Chinese) universe represented by the Wall is far from standing(prenominal) and clear-cut, though. Kafka uses the imagery of the leadership to portray the perpetual motion of signs and values. In this reservoir of meanings, the individual as signified by the singular identity of the leaders is blotted out (hence, the pluralistic conn otation of the word leadership). Says the narrator-builderwhere it was or who sat there no one I asked knows or knew in this office I imagine that all human thoughts and wishes revolve in a circle, and all human aims and fulfillments in a circle going in opposite direction. Quite understandably, the leadership defies history and time it existed even earlier.Divine, the leadership is inaccessible to the finite mind. As the narrator puts it, Try with all your powers to understand the orders of the leadership, but only up to a authorized limitthen stop thinking about them. So powerful is the leadership that even the Emperor is stripped of his regality and reduced to his frail and transient self when compared with it. The builders are masters of their own truth the admirable innocent emperor believed he had given orders for (the Wall). We who are builders of the Wall knew otherwise and are silent.Works CitedBorges, Jorge Luis. The Total Library. Selected non-fiction. Ed. Eliot Weinber ger.Trans. Esther Allen et al. New York Penguin Books, 1999. 214-216.The Library of Babel. 8 December 2007..Emrich, William. Franz Kafka a critical study of his writings. New York Frederick UngarPublishing, 1968.Kafka, Franz. The Great Wall of China. Trans. Ian Johnston. 23 March 2006. Johnstonia. 8December 2007. .Krenz, David Christoph. Metaphors for/in infinity The parables of Kafka, Borges and Calvino.(Abstract). Milwaukee University of Wisconsin Press, 1992.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Music LessonBrandenburg

Write a brief definition of Tonality Modulation Harmony Chord Root first off Inversion Seventh Chord Oh no its a Theory Byte Technical Name for the notes of the scale. As LIMIT ACID Key Relationships Key Signatures F C G DAD B Order of sharps C Semitone above = name of key. BEAD G CB order of flats Name of PENULTIMATE flat = key tactile sensation All major keys have related minor same key signature. Minor 3rd below key note e. G. G major congress minor is E Minor. Circle of Fifths Tonality and Harmony Class work Discuss 0 TonalPlan and Key Relationships CLC Modulations L Analysis of Chords and Cadences C Circle of Fifths. Private Study Tasks inhabit working on your composition using the feedback/targets we discussed. Dont forget Deadline One is 1 9th October. Make sure that your Brandenburg score notes are fully complete as we pass on be working on questions next week in preparation for an assessment in the final week. Listen to the piece a number of propagation use your ann otated score to follow the music.Create a glossary of the key musical terms which link to the Brandenburg Concerto. Add musical examples where appropriate. (Retooling, Basso Continuo, Figured Bass, Flute a beck, Natural Trumpet, Arpeggio, Sequence (rising, falling), Ripen, Concertina, Counterpoint, Tutu, Unison, Trill, Dominant Seventh, Dominant Pedal, Syncopation, Homophobic, Diminished Seventh Chord, Circle of Fifths) Extra help Extra support with composition -? please book a slot of time with me. Period 5 on Friday. Theory Support. Mr. Reed is available on Friday periods 3 and 4.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Disaster Paper Essay

When you deliberate on a happening, it becomes clear that any such(prenominal) event has three human bodys to it. Initially, on that point are antecedents that locomote to the disaster. When enough antecedents demand accumulated, the disaster occurs at that specific tipping time. Finally after the disaster has happened the final phase of resolutions occurs. The resolutions are steps that the society attempt to implement to revert the effects that the event has produced. Consider the Deepwater Horizon disaster that happened on July 17th 2010. Upon critical examine the group have identified series of antecedents that led to the disaster.At the tipping point the disaster occurred, lives were lost and numerous crew members injured. After the initial shock of the disaster and evacuation of the crew engineers and BP staff attempted to close the headspring with numerous trials. Eventually policy makers were involved in development of the new safety policies. numerous investigations a nd trials were performed to better understand the disaster and avoid similar events. At the end numerous antecedents have been identified, the disaster was resolved and the wakes identified. The Deepwater Horizon accident was found to have multiple antecedents that caused this tragedy.Specifically, a sequence of eight safety barriers that were br individuallyed led to the explosion which killed eleven people and caused widespread pollution throughout the Gulf of Mexico. At counterbalance the annulus cement barrier was installed improperly and did not isolate the hydrocarbons coming from the well. The shoe track barrier did not isolate the hydrocarbons. As a consequence these two events allowed hydrocarbons to rise up the well and aboard the Deepwater Horizon rig. The negative pressure test was incorrectly interpreted. The influx of hydrocarbons was not recognized until it was too late. rise up control response actions failed to regain the control of the well. This led the well flo w to be diverted to the mud gas separator causing gas to be vented onto the vessel rather than being diverted over board. Safety dismiss and gas systems did not prevent hydrocarbon ignition from the engine room. Finally, the blowout preventer (BOP) requirement modes did not seal the well due to the accumulation of previous seven events mentioned in a higher place. With these eight events leading one to another, it was much more difficult to seize the explosions and fire that damaged the MUX cables and hydraulic lines.This resulted in failure of the emergency disconnect system. To conclude, it is clear that specific and identifiable antecedents can be discovered and that their accumulations to a tipping point lead to the disaster. The second phase of the Deepwater Horizon disaster deals with engineers and BP technical staff trying to close the well so that the oil displace is stopped. To get over the oil spill the leaking oil is set on fire with the hope that the spill provide be reduced. On May 2nd, 2010 PB starts to drill a relief well that should overtake that leaking site.On May 5th one of the leaking sites is capped, however oil continues to leak from the well. On May 7th BP engineers use the containment chambers to close the rest leaks. The idea fails and is abandoned. On May 9th a junk shot approach is implemented, the following day top hat approach is planned out. The attempt to reduce the leak continues, numerous other approaches and plans are implemented to either reduce the oil spill or completely halt it. On august fourth BP reports that using the latest attempt the static kill appears to be successful and attempts to permanently seal the leak are in the process.On September nineteenth the Deepwater Horizon leak have been permanently sealed. The nightmare that happened on May 2nd has been halted but not fully resolved. The environmental affect that the disaster caused will hunt the future of Gulf of Mexico waters for decades. For example, se ahorse populations in the region decline and the Hippocampus zosterae, dwarf specie of seahorses, is on the verge of extinction. The role of engineers in the Deepwater Horizon disaster is immense. During the accumulation of antecedents there are evidences that engineers knew about chaos that was occurring on the Deepwater Horizon rig.However, due to poor management and lack of communication among companies involved in the project, engineers had little impact in correcting the antecedents. Eventually, when the disaster occurred, the BP engineers tried versatile attempts and ideas to close the opened well. Lastly environmental engineers are and will be involved in cleaning efforts of the Gulf of Mexico waters. Therefore it is important to consider the engineers as not only the antecedents in a disaster but alike as proactive members of society that attempt fixing the environment to pre-disaster state.Therefore, engineering is involved with all disaster phases. As a group, we plan t o incorporate each disaster phase into the final report and discuss how engineering process have been aiding the future avoidance of similar disasters. It is important to understand that media reports cover only a few aspects of disasters and news in general. In many cases the scope of media reports is within political and economic spectrums. Therefore further research into documents released by various commissions and investigators that are publicly available will be looked at and analysed by the group and its members.The group process is moving according to the milestones developed and outlined in the proposal paper. Despite this, new opportunities in scheduling allows for the group to have a few extra meetings and perhaps finish the final report forrad of the scheduled time. The comparison chart of milestones is outlined below. Over all there are a few challenges that the group have to work through. As mentioned above the group plans to analyze some reports developed by the inv estigators of the disaster. The challenging part is to read through pages of technical analysis and to identify related parts for the assignment.Since there are new group meetings, it should be possible to accomplish this task in professional manner. In addition the group will do a presentation on the project therefore these two meeting dates will be allocated towards that time. The final paper will contain a more particular and chronological outline of the disaster phases. The paper will discuss the causes, antecedents and policy developments that occurred as of the result of the disaster. The general breakdown of the parts has not changed since they were assigned during the penning of the proposal paper.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Challenges Faced by the Print Media Essay

Conventional wisdom in the media industry holds that existing, established forms of media adapt to new and emerging forms. For example, radio adapted to the emergence of television rather than simply fading away. The emergence of the Internet and the plethora of information available, however, drop led many to question the received view. Media executives and scholars agree that newspapers, magazines and other forms of print media face serious challenges in terms of readers, revenue and even their existence.Declining Readership Readership of many forms of print media, especially newspapers, has been declining for years, and the Internet may have only accelerated this trend. Further, newspapers have largely failed to reach the younger, technologically savvy generations. The Press Council of Australia, in its 2006 report on the State of the News Print Media, report that people over the age of 50 comprise nearly half of the readers of Australias newspapers. In the United States, the pew Research Center for People and the Press, a depicted objectly known public opinion research firm, reported in 2008 that the Internet surpassed newspapers as a news source. Television, however, remained the most popular source of national and world news. Lost RevenuesAs the print media lose readers, shrinking their circulation figures, it becomes increasingly difficult for newspapers, magazines and other print outlets to sell the advertising space that provides the bulk of their revenues. Media advisor Jack Myers, writing for the online Huffington Post, reported that newspaper ad revenues plunged an estimated 40 percent since 2001, based on projected revenues for 2010. Further, Myers reported that magazine advertising revenues fell amongst 12 and 15 percent in 2008. Even the Yellow Pages telephone directories are not immune from this trend, as Myers projected declines in their ad revenues, as well.Long-Term Survival Declining advertising revenues have threatened the very existe nce of many print media outlets, especially newspapers. As revenues fall, many newspapers have slashed their chromatography column staffs and shuttered news bureaus. Some print media outlets have even ceased operations. The trend may continue, with more newspapers and other print publications going out of business. The Press Council of Australia cited a 2006 report by the London-based magazine The Economist, which predicted the extinction of at least some of the United Kingdoms newspapers. The worrying trends and threats to their viability have many print media executives scrambling to evolve news business models and methods to adapt to and prosper in this new media environment. Newspapers have increased their online presence, according to a survey of news media consumption by Pew Research however, growth online has not offset newspapers losses in print readership.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Characters in Great Expectations Essay

In this first extract there are many hidden connections between the showcases and the settings. The first connection is when fritter the narrator describes the graveyard. He describes it as a in the raw place overgrown with nettles. The battle cry bleak only when reflects many characters feelings. The word bleak may perhaps guard how Pip feels about the place he has to mourn for his family and how he is in disbelief that a place of death and rebirth could be so uncared for. I sound off this uncaring for the graveyard is a strong reflection of Pips character, as he himself is uncared for.It could alike symbolize Pips keep so far as being miserable and empty and never having any issue to look forward to. However I think the main thing the word bleak is toilsome to signify is the fearful man Magwitch. This convicts deportment will be bleak even he does not go back to prison. This is because he has no option, no friends or family and he is unaccompanied in the world. Pip the narrator describes the ambit surrounding the churchyard as a pitch-dark flat wilderness. This quote is another representation of Pips life .The word dark indicates Pips past and how it is dark and cloudy as he does not know anything about it. The word flat signifies Pips life at the moment as being straight forward and plain with nothing changing and the word wilderness representing Magwitch and how Magwitch is going to change Pips future from flat and straight forward to wild andchanging. The quote also may represent Pips existence as he has eer been alone, never knowing any of his family apart from his sister.Furthermore the fact that Pip is alone in this harsh abandoned environment makes the area more scary and dangerous. So when Dickens refers to Pip as a small bundle of shivers it creates an image in the readers mind of Pip curled up all alone in this overgrown wilderness which I think increases the readers sorrow for Pip. Moreover the word bundle emphasises how small Pip i s which may increase the readers sorrow for Pip even more. This atmosphere created by Dickens gives a good entrance for the character Magwitch.Magwitch is mirrored through the landscape and the words Dickens uses so that he is not only created through words but from the settings. The words and settings that are used to emphasise Magwitch are mainly employed to dehumanise Magwitch so that he seems more like a monster then a man. Magwitch is first introduced at the graveyard, where he scares Pip not only with his words but with his image. This is shown originally Magwitch is even introduced into the play by the narrator. The narrator refers to a wind rushing from a savage lair.I think this wind from the savage lair is Magwitch and how he is being blown ever closer to Pip. I also think that the word savage could be referring to the prison Magwitch was in. As it shows the fact that a prison is a place for savages. This idea increases the readers view of Magwitch making him more of a be ast then a man. The assumption that Magwicth is a beast is also supported by the fact that Dickens followed savage with the word lair the word lair is mainly used to describe an living organisms home which enhances the idea of Magwitch being an animal.I think Dickens does this to dehumanise Magwitch further and also to create an image in the readers mind still before Magwitch is introduced into the extract. Magwitch is an escaped convict which makes his options bleak thats why I think he ends up at the graveyard because if your options are bleak you usually only yield the worst choices to choose from. The word overgrown suggests how Magwitch is out of control which makes him more like a wild monster. In addition the word nettles could be representing Magwitch being sharp, painful and dangerous.These quotes show that nature has personified Magwitch into a wild beast. When Magwitch is first described by the narrator, one of the first things that he is described as is a man with no hat. I think this is said because in the times of Great Expectations gentleman usually wore top hats. Dickens is trying to show that Magwitch is no gentleman. At the end of extract one Magwitch asks Pip where his village lies. This I think has a small reference to Mr and Mrs Gargery, as they both are included as the village that Pip points to when Magwicth threatens him in the Graveyard.The village lay inshore among the alder trees,. As a result of this quote we fade together the image of a peaceful village. This quote illustrates the meaning of the word lay as this one word indicates that the village was asleep and unaware of Magwitchs presence. This extract shows how well the settings of Great Expectations not only contribute to the story but to the characters emotions as well. Extract two takes place in Satis House. This old overage building creates the feelings and atmosphere for this extract.The extract begins with Pip describing the elbow board he is in and giving us an i mage of what it looks like. Pip then meets Miss Havisham and refers to her as the strangest thing he has ever seen. Miss Havisham talks to Pip about herself and gives him a brief outline of her past telling Pip how she has never seen the sun since she was left(a) at the alter by her husband. After this Pip meets Miss Havishams daughter Estella. Estella and Pip play the card game beggar while they are playing. Estella insults Pip by saying that his hands are all coarse.The extract ends with Pip leaving Satis house and then releasing his hatred towards Estella by beef a wall while he cries. Extract two on a whole fits into Great Expectations as the Part of the novel that misleads the reader so that the reader thinks that Miss Havisham is the mysterious benefactor who gives Pip money so that he can move to London to become a gentleman. I think Dickens does this to try and remove the character Magwitch from the readers mind so that the reader will not even in the slightest think that Magwitch is Pips benefactor and that Magwitch role in Great Expectations has ended.However even though Charles Dickens does this, he still leaves a presence of Magwitch in the novel. This presence comes from the character Estella. Estella honest like Magwitch is sprung onto Pip. Magwitch is sprung onto Pip in the literal sense as he just jumps out at Pip scaring him. In comparison Estella is released onto Pip in another way. Pip who finds Estella pretty is just sprung by the insults and distain she shows towards him. The settings in extract two mainly represent the character Miss Havisham showing why she lives her life the way she does and exposing her past to the reader.The character Miss Havisham is not exactly a very believable character as no one in their adept mind would live there life the way she does just because they were left at the alter. However even though she is not a very practical(prenominal) creation from Charles Dickens she is certainly one of the most interest ing characters of the novel. Miss Havishams whole life is defined by the single catastrophic font of her being left at the alter. From that moment forth, Miss Havisham is determined never to move beyond that day.She stops all the clocks in Satis House at twenty minutes to nine, the moment when she first learned that her future husband was gone. Extract two begins with Pip the narrator describing what the room Pip is in looks like. The room is described as a pretty large room well lit with wax candles. It is also said that the room does not even have a glimpse of sun. These quotes create the atmosphere of the room which make it seem mysterious and depressing. In addition these quotes reveal a lot about the character Miss Havisham.The quote a glimpse of sunlight is not only saying that room does not even have a glimpse of sunlight it is also reflecting things about Miss Havisham showing how she herself is the one without a glimpse of sunlight. The fact that Miss Havisham is keeping herself from the sunlight (the sunlight I believe could represent the public) suggests that she is trying to keep her past from the sunlight by staying in the dark. Sunlight is often associated with bliss and happiness. As there is no sunlight in the room it emphasises her life as being unhappy.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Importance of Statistics in Business

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan Auditing Intermediate Examination Autumn 2012 Module D Q. 1 5 September 2012 light speed marks 3 hours Additional reading time 15 minutes Shahrukh and Company, Chartered Accountants, have conducted the statutory analyze of the financial soilments of Karim Limited, a listed company, for the grade cease 30 June 2012 under the Companies Ordinance, 1984.The job incharge has drafted the hobby study report Auditors Report to the Members We have audited the annexed balance sheet of Karim Limited (the Company) as at 30 June 2012, and the related Income and Expenditure Account, Statement of Comprehensive Income, Cash Flow Statement and Statement of Changes in Equity together with the nones forming rack upt thereof, for the year then ended and we state that we have obtained all the information and explanations which were necessary for the purposes of our audit.It is the responsibility of the companys management to establish and main tain a system of internal control and localise and present the above said statements in treaty with the sanctioned auditing standards and the requirements of the fourth schedule to the Companies Ordinance, 1984. Our responsibility is to audit these statements. We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards as relevant in Pakistan.These standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable and limited assurance about whether the above statements atomic number 18 free of any misstatement. An audit includes examining evidence supporting the amounts and revelations in the above said statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting policies and significant estimates made by management, as well as, evaluating the overall introduction of the above said statements.We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion and, after due verification, we report that (a) in our opinion, proper books of accounts have been unplou ghed by the company. (b) in our opinion (i) the balance sheet and profit and loss account together with the notes thereon have been drawn up in conformity with the Companies Ordinance 1984, and are in agreement with the books of account and are further in accordance with accounting policies consistently applied (ii) the expenditure incurred during the year was in ccordance with the objects of the Company and (iii) the business conducted, investments made and the expenditure incurred during the year were for the purpose of the Companys business(c) in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given over to us, the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of comprehensive income, cash flow statement and statement of changes in equity together with the notes forming part thereof, conform with the approved accounting standards as applicable in Pakistan and give the information required by the Companies Ordinance, 1984, in the manner so req uired and respectively give a true and fair view of the state of the Companys affairs as at 30 June 2012 and (d) in our opinion, no zakat was deductible at root under the Zakat and Ushr Ordinance, 1980. Chartered Accountants Date 01 September 2012 Required Identify the errors in the above report vis-a-vis a standard statutory audit report. (Note You are not required to redraft the report. ) (12 marks) Auditing Page 2 of 3 Q. 2 As the engagement colleague, you have reviewed the audit working papers of Samarkand Limited (SL). The audit squad has highlighted the following matters in the working papers. (a) Twenty percent of the companys recorded turnover (revenue) comprises of cash sales. Proper records of cash sales have not been maintained.Consequently, the audit team was unable to design audit procedures to verify the cash sales. During the current year, the company changed the method of charging depreciation on its fixed assets from the straight beginning to the diminishing bal ance method. However, all the required disclosures have been included in the notes to the financial statements. The previous years financial statements were audited by another warm of chartered accountants which has issued an un-modified opinion on those financial statements. (b) (c) Required Discuss the impact of each of the above matters on your audit report. (10 marks) Q. 3 You are currently in the planning phase of the audit of Mineral Water Limited (MWL) for the year ended 30 June 2012.The following information is available to you Customer Segment overseer markets Wholesalers Retailers Five star hotels No. of Customers 12 65 553 7 Balance 10 10-20 21-30 31-90 > 90 outstanding eld old age days days days Rs. in thousand.. 20,014 8,125 5,053 6,396 311 129 14,910 5,078 6,019 3,150 454 209 4,743 1,756 1,798 724 278 187 7,694 2,805 2,793 1,784 201 111 47,361 17,764 15,663 12,054 1,244 636 50% provision for doubtful debts has been made by MWL against balances outstanding for more than 30 days whereas the balances outstanding for more than 90 days have been fully provided. Required (a) Indicate what would be the basis for selecting debtors for circularising positive and negative requests for con unassailableations. 06 mark) (b) Briefly explain as to how would you deal with a situation where a debtor confirms a balance which is different from the amount appearing in the confirmation request. (08 mark) Q. 4 (a) Classification of certain items reported in the financial statements is ground on the managements intentions. In such a situation the attender has to rely on management representations. Required List the factors that the auditor should opine in evaluating the managements intentions with regard to their future course of action, as stated in their written representations. (04 mark) (b) Briefly discuss how the auditor would deal with a situation where he is in doubt regarding the reliability of the written representations provided by the management of th e company. (05 mark) Q. 5List the substantive procedures that may be performed by an auditor to verify the following (a) (b) (c) Bank reconciliation statements Payroll Raw material purchases (06 marks) (08 marks) (06 marks) Auditing Page 3 of 3 Q. 6 List the audit procedures that may be performed by the auditor in order to ensure that all events occurring between the date of the financial statements and the date of the auditors report that require adjustment of, or disclosure in, the financial statements are identified and appropriately reflected in the financial statements. (10 marks) Q. 7 Discuss the categories of threats that may be involved in each of the following autonomous situations and advise the partners of the concerned firm with regard to the possible course of action that may be followed, in each case.a) Burewala Bank Limited (BBL) is a listed audit client of Umer and Company, Chartered Accountants (UCC). BBL has granted a house loan of Rs. 5 million to a partner in UC C. (04 marks) Kamal was the audit manager during the exist years annual audit of Faisalabad Textile Mills Limited (FTML). He has joined FTML as their Manager Finance, prior to the commencement of the current years audit. (08 marks) (b) Q. 8 Comment on each of the following independent situations with reference to the applicable rules and regulations. (a) Zaman is a partner in a firm of Chartered Accountants and holds 5,000 shares in Mardan Limited (ML). His firm has received an adduce for appointment as auditors of Khanewal Limited (KL).ML and KL are subsidiaries of Dera Khan Limited (DKL). (03 marks) Bilal and Company has received an offer for appointment as auditors of IJK Limited. The total paid up capital of the company is Rs. 990 million whereas its ordinary share capital is Rs. 130 million. Faryal, the wife of a partner in Bilal and Company, is a director in LMN Limited which holds 50 million non-voting preference shares and 2 million ordinary shares in IJK Limited. Faryal a lso holds 10,000 shares in LMN Limited. The par value of both types of shares is Rs. 10 each. (04 marks) (b) Q. 9 List the important matters that are required to be included in an audit engagement letter. (06 marks) (THE END)

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Polytechnic Education

In recent times, the discrimination of polytechnic education in Nigeria in the area of art and even in admission has always created panic among polytechnic graduates and the youths in cosmopolitan. Various questions have been raised by students in the polytechnics and other similar institutions nearly the situation but there seems to be no answer. This paper therefore seeks to establish the relevance of polytechnic education in youth empowerment, economic assumption and national development. A sample of 200 respondents from different places was selected and a structured questionnaire was administered on them.It was established that, in spite of the discrimination on the National diploma (ND) and the Higher National Diploma (HND), the demand for polytechnic education is on the increase. It was also noted that the polytechnics were established to train graduates for skill acquisition and practical knowledge necessary for industrial development. The paper concludes that though the Universities are the citadel of highest education, the polytechnic education was the first higher institution in Nigeria and West Africa in general and it has trained personnel for public and private organisations. Some of the recommendations made were(a)The government should harmonize the admission criteria of the polytechnic in line with the universities (b) All Nigerians should change their orientations active paper qualification and learn to accept knowledge and experience in some areas during employment especially where practical knowledge is required.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Claims vs Arguments Essay

Claims is defined as, a statement asserts something to be the case or not the case (Critical Thinking Issues, Claims, Arguments, 2011), which is consistent with the definition given by Wood (2012,Topic 1,p.7), which states that a claim is an assurance or demand for recognition of a the true, an example of a claim is Organizational behavior is an innate subject. And I agreed with the two definitions on claims because, based on my personal experience as a former team member of my colleges debate team, everyone is allowed to make claims over the subject that was chosen to be debated.On the another(prenominal) hand, an disceptation is defined as, sets of propositions (claims/statements) which contain premises that are offered to support the truth of a conclusion (May,2010), or in another words, it means trying to convince each other on things we dont agree on (Critical Thinking Issues, Claims, Arguments, 2011). Using the above example, others may not agree on my claim and say Organ ization Behavior is not an essential subject, this is where an argument begins and to support it, there are 3 ways to do so, supporting an argument with authority, evidence and a persuasive writing style.Supporting an argument with authority means, To bolster an argument is to use the word of an in effect(p), (Roberts, 2010). However, there are pros and cons to this statement, the pros are because he/she is an expert, and has been in his area of speciality for many years, therefore, his/her words potbelly be reliable and can be used to support an argument. But not forgetting that the words he/she said could be based on his/her personal opinion and could contain certain level of biasness. For example, Organisational behavior is an essential subject because my lecturers said so, this may not be convincing enough.To further enhance your argument, it ingestfully to be supported with evidences, such as facts personal experience or an actual event. A powerful thesis also requires so lid evidence to support and develop it because without evidence, a claim is merely an unsubstantiated idea or opinion (Indiana University Bloomington, 2010), I agree because solid evidence will provide the free-enterprise(a) advantage over others. For example, Organisational Behaviour is an essential subject because as a team leader in a multi-racial troupe, I applied what Ive learnt on managing for diversity, not only does it prevent inter-racial conflicts, it also improves the companys productivity. This is obviously a better argument compared to earlier argument.Lastly, after gathering all evidence, we need to try to get the readers to agree on our argument this is where persuasive writing style comes in handy. fit in to Landsberger (1996), in persuasive writing, we try to convince others to agree with our facts, share our values, accept our argument and conclusion.CONCLUSIONIn conclusion, the difference is that claims are statements made by someone on a certain issue, whereas an argument occurs when others do not agree and wishes to argue with their own claims. An argument inevitably to be support with authority, evidences and persuasive writing, evidences is the closely important factor in my opinion as arguments are mostly based on facts, and facts needs to be accurate and be related to the argument as much as possible.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Hnc Poverty Essay

In this report you will call for about mendi dischargecy and what is meant by meagreness. Included will be an exploration of the differences between imperious and relative pauperization. You will also read about the relationship between poverty and unlikeness, covering the types of inequality between gender and pattern and also, the close of poverty in the current British context. I will also cover ca usances of poverty and inequality using sociological theories. Ending this report you will read into the effects of poverty and inequality in relation to behaviour, experiences and life chances on young sight. Poverty can be defined as The sound out or condition of having little or no money or material possessions, (Oxford English Dictionary). thither has been two approaches brought forward by sociologists and these argon absolute and relative poverty. Absolute poverty refers to basic conditions organism met for an individual or group to live in a physically healthy s tate.These conditions include ample food, shelter and clothing if these are not met, it is seen as absolute poverty. (Townsend 1979). The second approach is relative poverty and is based upon the standard of the overall living in society. It is when individuals or groups are living to a lesser standard to others within the society. Another factor that can cause inequality within society is class. This relates to a division of groups within society.Class has been seen as a major factor determining the production, distribution and redistribution of resources. (Townsend 1979). Depending on your class group, it will dictate where you are placed in the hierarchy of the society, which will affect your access to the gains and resources in society. There are four classes in society these are the underclass, the working class, the middle class and the velocity class. The inequality of class causes poverty as individuals are limited to wealth, resources and opportunities within s ociety.A case of inequality that relates to poverty is gender. This is when men and women are treated differently from each other regarding their roles and position within society. It is fair to plead that women save been treated as less than equals and have had lesser opportunities within employment and chances Within Scotland, in that location were 980,000 people living in relative poverty and 620,000 across Britain working but living in relative poverty in 2007. (www. bbc. com).There were also 250,000 children living in relative poverty, and 150,000 children living in absolute poverty within Scotland in the same year. (Save the Children in Scotland). A feminist perspective is the sociology theory you could use to show the causes of poverty and inequality. The feminist perspective believes in that respect is a general thought in society, that there is a gender division in the employment market, and males are breadwinners, whereas women are housewives .Many women thr oughout the world adopt discrimination just because of their gender even though the government created the sex discrimination act 1975, which is instantly The Equality Act 2010, to prevent sexual discrimination, as it still continues today. Throughout the years it has been well cognise that women have faced discrimination in areas such as employment, education, and the use of facilities such as golf game clubs etc. Due to the gender inequality within Britains society the man is the bread winner, and that the cleaning lady stays at home, cooks cleans and looks after the children.Over the years it has created a culture that is engrained within our society. This leads to a woman a lot working part time or in low paid jobs, if working at all. Also, if they are working, they are less likely to be selected for promotion or managerial posts, because it is not seen as a womans position or because of childcare responsibilities, such as maternity leave for 9 months or longer if they have more than one child.This can then lead onto that if you have a poor income, or reliant on benefits, then you are not up to(p) to afford the rudiments such as gas, electricity, appropriate living conditions and healthy nutritious food. This then creates health problems and inequalities because of poor aliment and living conditions, from which they are unable to escape from. All of this can lead to addiction because of the situation they maintain themselves in. They can turn to smoking, drinking and drugs as a way to relieve anxiety, stress, boredom and depression. Poverty can severely affect the young people I work with and have a negative impaction on their behaviour, experiences and life chances. Many of the young people come from deprived areas, where their homes are inadequate or their parents are on a low income or are unemployed. This has an effect on the young peoples health, and they frequently have poor diets and lack healthy nutrition.Due to the lack of finances, the parents are not able to provide their children with a variety of social activities. This does not help develop the childs socialization skills and can often leave them feeling angry and left out from their friends. This anger can often show itself within education and lead to universe excluded from school, which in turn can have a negative effect on their job opportunities. This lack of finance and social interaction for the young someone can lead them to commit crimes.The individual can often suffer low self-esteem which whitethorn lead to regular drug abuse, which again can have a knock-on effect towards crime. Within the residential setting, I work with a young someone who often gets jealous and angry when he hears of outings his peers have been on while he is on home contact. This is because when he goes home, his parents have little or no money to take him out so he often spends his time on the street being bored, rather than going to places like the c inema or to a leisure centre .This young person has committed crimes of vandalism through boredom and theft from shops because he cannot buy the goods he wishes. To conclude, it can be shown that there is a link between poverty and inequality, this has been demonstrated through various theories and supporting statistics. REFERENCES What causes poverty by John H Mckendrick Miller, Janet (Care in Practice for Higher Still) 1996 Oxford English Dictionary Townsend, P(Poverty in the unify Kingdom) 1979 www. bc. com/news www. savethechildren. com Word Count 1053

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Racism in the Work Place

Racial discrimination at the workplace is, unfortunately, becoming common. It exists in workplaces across the world. With globalization and stop work opportunities, people be traveling across to other countries and settling down. Their culture, traditions, interests, beliefs differ from that of the locals and this leads to a departure of interest, of sorts. This can lead to racial discrimination at places of work, community, schools and so on. On April 14, 2005, the class action fount Gonzalez v.Abercrombie & Fitch, was granted final approval settlement. The settlement requires the retail clothing giant to pay $50 million, slight attorneys fees and costs, to Latino, African American, Asian American and female applicants and employees who charged the company with discrimination. The settlement also requires the company to instal a range of policies and programs to promote novelty among its workforce and to prevent discrimination based on raceway or gender. Abercrombie & Fitch is a clothing retailer marketing to young adults, teenagers and children.It employs over 22,000 employees, most of whom are college-age adults, in over 700 stores throughout the United States. The settlement agreement also contains provisions related to the recruitment, hiring, affair assignment, training, and promotion of Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, and Abercrombie Kids employees. The provisions include A raw Office and Vice President of Diversity, responsible for coverage to the CEO on Abercrombies progress toward fair employment practices. The hiring of 25 recruiters who entrust focus on and seek women and minority employees. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Diversity Training for all employees with hiring authority. A new internal complaint procedure. Abercrombie marketing materials that will reflect diversity by including members of minority racial and ethnical groups. In addition, Abercrombie created a $40 million Settlement Fund for distribution to individua l class members. This will total approximately $10 million, bringing the total amount Abercrombie must pay to approximately $50 million.The young men and women who applied to work at Abercrombie should have been judged on their qualifications, and not their skin distort or gender. The class action settlement compensates class members for being subjected to the challenged practices and ensures that Abercrombie will improve its employment practices and diversity efforts nationwide. Given that Abercrombie is a nationwide store, only proves that even today discrimination is very common and everyone should fulfill a stand against it.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Intergrating Special needs students Essay

Integrating scholars with disabilities into the every(prenominal) day classroom is highly important. It gives educatees with and without disabilities the opportunity to be apart of an inclusive and accepting community. Students who have sober disabilities argon those students who have a physical, emotional, mental problems which require extra educational, psychological or medical helper beyond tradition on the wholey offered education. In past years, special of necessity students have been over looked or their indispensabilitys neglected, so they have had to move to schools that cater specifically to their gather ups. more pargonnts and school administrators thought that these kids needed to be cared for in a special location, outside neighborhood schooling. Studies have shown and from personal experience, students with disabilities who are integrated into mend classrooms, benefit from the structured and well organized activities that all students can participate in. This is not solo well-grounded for the students with disabilities, nevertheless those who do not have disabilities, learn about real world differences. They are opened to appropriate interaction with someone with a severe impairment.This also gives non alter students the opportunity to not fright students with disabilities and likewise. There are times throughout the school day that may not be suitable for SSN students to be interacting with other students. There are times that are great for integration (with tending from an aid) , such as gym, music, art, passing periods, library, etc. This gives students the ability to not only interact with nondisabled students but also learn what the day to day expectations are. Students with disabilities are often not given goals to accomplish or expectations. Students with disabilities should have a goal and expectations just as any other student, they just may need assistance along the way. If the student has a nutty disability they should have the same expectations as nondisabled kids, again they just need assistance reaching those goals. This requires teachers who are willing to help SSN or mild needs students, if they are not accompanied by an aid. A huge thing teachers and aids need to be on the look out for is bullying amongst the students.If a student with no disabilities was to pick on a disabled student that could be harmful on many levels. First off, its insalubrious for anyone to be picked on. Second, if the disabled student feels negative vibes and is feeling bullied, the integration will no longitudinal work. Students with disabilities usually pick up on negativity, and do not want to participate when they feel threatened. So it is imperative that teacher and aids be enforcing positive interactions amongst the students. Teachers need to help the aids in assisting the student. Many times teachers do not want the burden of a disabled student. It is extremely important that teachers are a helping hand in cr eating this environment. This means the classroom needs to be safe, positive and welcoming, for all kids. A good way to insure this is the opendoorpolicy.That means that teachers invite any onlookers to get on in and observe the integrated activities. It also means that they welcome onlookers to observe an instruction in progress and to interact with the disabled students. A lesson plan that should be put into place in every classroom, at a lower grade, should be information on disabilities. Students who are taught and have explained the integration process are more likely to be positively responsive. There are many ways that integrating student with severe disabilities or special needs can benefit all students. Students can learn proper interaction with one another. Students with disabilities can learn what their day to day process is, and what is expected of them. This can only work if teachers are responsive to needs to SSN or mild needs students, not only the student will bene fit, this also helps the teacher grow. All schools should switch to an integrated curriculum, to insure equality amongst all students, disability or not.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

All Is Fair in Love and War †Paper Essay

Love and fight atomic number 18 devil contrasting forces the former involves care and personal attachment while the latter involves brute force and destruction. They are also very similar in the sense that success in love and war flowerpot convey to the creation of happiness, relationship, devotion, liberty and freedom etc. all of which after part shape a persons or societies vitalitystyle. However, because of much(prenominal) tempting and important factors, in both love and war people cigaret live on so much focused and obsessed in their cause that they forget about their moral value and may even engage in malpractice to achieve their goals. Although such essence roll in the hay sometimes help them achieve their goals, I think these are not at all justified as they assume to the benefit of one at the loss of another, that is, they lead to selfless biasness, and according to Sen & Mitra (1956) can hinder the boilers suit peace and progress of a society. As such, I disag ree with the sentiment made by whoremaster Lyly in his book Euphues (1578) that all is fair in love and war.Justification of my claim can be proved by illustrating the criticisms of an respectable framework known as Machiavellianism. This concept is similar to the notion of thaumaturgy Lyly because it states that ends justify recollects. According to this concept, people can use any means, no issuance they are bad or immoral as long as it helps them accomplish their goal (which in this case is achieving success in love or war) by using them. I think such a pr overb is very much illogical. If we approve this, it would mean that even use of unfair means to achieve goals is justified under the circumstances similar to love and war. To illustrate for instance, in love this would mean the use of cheating, blackmailing, betrayal, stalking, and infighting. Similarly, in war it would also involve cheating, torture, kidnapping, bribery, fraud etc.All of these are un integrityful acts and as Richman (2012) points out, involves a cost, or more precisely a victim of the bodily function. Performers of such action and treat the victims as less than valet and as mere means to their ends. Their only justification for their action being that the benefits achieved are incommensurable. However, in doing so they forget the fact that such malpractices are all against the law which are made to secure enact and stability in the society. Thus, in this context supporting John Lylys claim would mean supporting illegal activities, instability and anarchy all of which would make human beings no less than animals. Therefore, these criticisms provides adequate defense for my claim.In addition to this, observing real life examples can also proves my claim. An obvious example is the violence being inflicted on women and minors in Bangladesh. Incidences such as trafficking, abuse, acid-attacks are a common scenario in this country. According to Unicef (2005) in that respect were 2 66 acid attacks reported in 2005 over a one year period, affecting 322 people1. Of these, 183 were women, 76 were children under 18, and 63 were men. Although, there were other reasons, a majority of the attacks can be directly or indirectly attributed to some sick form of non-white love, where the perpetrators used threat as a means of compelling the victim to accept their intention and upon being denied wanted their demise.Such justification of love is obviously not acceptable. Similarly, in case of war I think it seems illogical destroying hundreds of open lives just to kill a few enemy combatants, as in the case being undertaken in Afghanistan, Iran and other Arab countries. It is also not fair work as henchmen for enemies who are abusers of power. This is exactly what the Paramilitary force known as the Razakars did when they aided the Pakistan Army against the Mukti Bahini during the Bangladesh Liberation War. Their actions lead to the murder of around 300,000 to 500,000 pe ople at that time. As such, their means of winning the war was the killing of millions of innocent people, which can never be justified.There are however, drawbacks of my claim. An example can be abortion of a baby to save a mothers life. In such case, taking an innocent life is morally wrong, but saving the life of the women is morally adjust. As such, the point is, in all things there must be lines which should never be crossed, since if that happens, it would lead to destruction of order and control. But if the morally right outcome justifies the use of immoral means to achieve it, then such an action is justified.Therefore, in completion the notion All is fair in love and war is not always true. Application of ethical frameworks and examples clearly proves this, and so I firmly disagree with the idea. However, there are alternative ethical frameworks that can overcome the drawbacks this notion and my claim, one of which is Rights Theory. As Hohfelds (2001) points out, this the ory focuses on actions based on the key rights of the parties involved. It does this by setting up hierarchy of rights, where the highest order right includes rights to life, autonomy and human dignity. Second order rights involve the rights of the government, legal and civil rights. Third order rights involve the right to education, good healthcare and so on. As such, fulfillment the higher order rights take preference over the lower order rights and in this way ensuring proper justice and fairness for all.ReferenceSen, K. & Mitra, J.K. (1956) Commercial Law and Industrial Law. Kolkata, The Word fight back Private Ltd.Apperson, G. L. (2006) The Wordsworth dictionary of proverbs. Ware, Herts. Wordsworth ReferenceRichman, S. (2012). Do Ends Justify Means? (ONLINE) Available at http// (Accessed 27 January 13).Rainbolt, G. W. (2006) Rights Theory. Philosophy Compass 1, ET 003, 111.BBC. (2012). Bangladesh Islamist leader Ghulam Aza m charged. (ONLINE) Available at http// (Accessed 27 January 13)UNICEF. (2005) Women and Girls in Bangladesh. advocate to the Acid Survivors Foundation and the Kishori Abhijan Project in Bangladesh. 1

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Great Doubling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

The Great Doubling - Essay exerciseDuring this time, innovations in communication and innovation made it easier for offshoring and the global migration of workers (Grossman & Rossi, 2008, p.1987). The new wave of globalisation that has swept the initiation has brought near both actual and perceived labor market insecurities in industrialized countries. Over the olden 15 to 20 years, the number of workers who have been displaced by foreign trade and investment as soundly as labor inflows from India and China has increased considerably. The Great Doubling was a term coined by Richard freeman to describe the increase of the global labor pool from about 1.46 billion in the 1990s to about 2.93 billion currently (doubling). Freeman (2006, p.11) argues that if the US and generally other industrialized countries are able to coordinate well to this great doubling, people from these countries can be able to benefit from having all people on the same economic status. The great doubling compliments well with Baldwins (2006, p.45) great unbundling where he argues that globalization means the great unbundling and is set to be a dominant factor in the economic field. globalization applies pressures to an organization to relocate their resources. Before globalization reached its apex, economic interactions were bundled together such that transport greets were lessen or in some situations eliminated completely. Due to this, the number of engrosss to be paid plus the cost of goods was determined by the local market and not the global market. Globalization is set to bring major(ip) changes to this and thus will affect the wages of skilled and unskilled workers in both low wage countries and advanced countries.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Evaluate the validity of the reasons given by Thomas Moore for his Essay

Evaluate the validity of the reasons given up by doubting Thomas Moore for his condemnation of William Tyndales english adaptation of the New Testament - Essay Exampletranslation survived, since they were all burnt, nevertheless the New Testament translations in English as we know it today argon more often than not the fruit of the work of William Tyndale. However, this same work was not well received in his meter, largely due to the strict beliefs of the Catholic church, and this was also the grounds for the conflict in the views of Thomas Moore and William Tyndale. The major reasons for Moores condemnation of Tyndales work may be listed as follows (a) faulty translation of certain speech which provided scope for distortion of the scriptural message (b) the notion that such faulty translation made Tyndale a hypocrite and a dangerous heretic (c) the fact that Tyndale supported the King of England as the Head of the Church, thereby seriously undermining the established hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, of which the Pope was the leader. This further substantiated Moores condemnation of Tyndale as a man rebelling against the Catholic church.The Catholics believed in the Pope as being the head of the Church and Thomas Moore was a staunch Catholic who believed that it was indeed the Pope who had the right to be hailed as the Head of the Church. However, Tyndale offered a different view on this, that it was actually the Monarch of England who was the head of the Church, since in those days Henry eight was the ruling head of England. Tyndale approved of the Monarch as being the Head of the Church, so long as that Monarch obeyed God.The brunt of Tyndales ire was expended against the corrupt church practices that existed in the Catholic church at the time and he was intent upon bringing the contents of the New testament to the attention of the lay people. The only path to do this was to translate the original Latin and Hebrew of the New Testament into simpl e English so that the masses among the English public would also be able to understand it. This was also in compliance with the encouragement that Tyndale provided to the

Monday, May 13, 2019

Health Care Reform and Future Trend Personal Statement

Health C ar Reform and afterlife Trend - Personal Statement ExampleI further propose that if health care was provided to these people, past financial suffering could soak up been prevented. These monetary riddles prevent people from receiving essential treatment for illnesses. There is understandably a problem with the current Medicare program when people suffer from diseases simply because of their financial status.Other Medicare programs extradite to face many hardships while trying to apply a universal take over of every present health care governance, which have generally led to extremely high prices, and a starting time quality of service. Therefore I believe that the whole nationalization of every presently used heathland care service would not be necessary, nevertheless only a duel umbrella system which can incorporate uninsured Americans into the present health care system under new federal rules and regulations would be ideal for the Medicare program. I suggest the umbrella system as this umbrella system would let people who at present have an insurance plan to carry on their insurance plan. And those who are uninsured would be placed into a new nationalized health package which could be a health maintenance organization type system, which will reduce the costs.The lack of health insurance of a lot of people have a severe harmful consequences and economic costs not just for those who are uninsured plainly also for their family, the neighborhood they reside in, and the entire state.In my opinion, the primary problem is that health care considered to be a commodity which is marketed instead of a social service. A lot of people get tax-free health benefits from the party they work for, the companies pay insurers a portion of the premiums (Tooke 2003). However not every company provides these benefits. To my knowledge, it is strictly voluntary for employers. In the periodical Employee Benefits, the problem for many workers is that not all emplo yer-provided health insurance is equal, and many employers allow for no coverage at all. Although 53 percent of private sector firms offer health coverage to their employees, and virtually all firms with 100 or more employees sponsor a health plan, small businesses are far less likely to do so (Cooper 2000), After reviewing the above mentioned problem it can be concluded firms which have a small number of employees most of them are uninsured thus I propose a single-payer system may be more affordable as it would minimize extra costs of administrative, profits and needless repetition. Moreover, it would allow the company of an overall budget and a reasonable and equal distribution of resources.Secondly, I propose that innovative technologies would be scarce under a single-payer system. Lastly, I believe that a single-payer system is the same as socialized medicine, even though a national program may be

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Presentation Globalisation Outline & speech notes Essay

Presentation Globalisation Outline & bringing notes - Essay Examplea considerable achievement in avoiding economic crises and achieving its current situation of macroeconomic stability, the countrys economic performance in the last 40 years was below its potential. globalisation has played a big part in reforming the economy of Qatar (Basu, 2008). This paper delves some of the impacts of globalization, with a closure focus on the economy, program line, and foods and diet to Qatar. Moreover, the paper in like manner weighs at these impacts at personal level.2) Globalization has also enab take Qatar to export its products and resources natural gasses and oil to other countries all over the world. Regional agreements that govern the movement of large number and commodities have created opportunities both at national and international levels.1) People originating from different countries can now look for jobs in different countries. Personally, globalization will enable me to look for a job in either part of the world after I complete my studies. Moreover, my p atomic number 18nts who are businesspersons can sell their products as sound as buy products from various parts of the world.2) On the other hand, I must be very(prenominal) competent for me to be employed since I will be competing with other people from various countries. Moreover, the products produced by our family business will have to face the stiff completion from good from the rest of the world.2) Globalization has led to Introduction of new languages in the learning institutions. This expands the opportunities for the learners since they can look for jobs in other countries that use the impudently introduced languages (Basu, 2008).1) Globalization has led to increased per capita income, higher living standards, and high educational quality in Qatar. These aspects are associated with economies that have high literacy levels among its citizen. Personally, I have been able to study in the Uni ted Kingdom where the education system is of a higher quality when compared to that of my home country. Studying from abroad

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Developing a More Agile Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Developing a More Agile Approach - experiment ExampleWal-Mart is not directly linked with a software program line of business but they do custom certain technological software for running their operations unlike which is influenced by software developments. The agile software is easy to implement in a business like rather than in a business like Wal-Mart.Providing quality is the main goals of organizations and it is one of the key determinants of an organizations success. Nowadays organizations heavily intrust on software and other technologies to improve the long-term product quality. Currently, agile software development has force one of the most popular technologies to be used in organizations. If a firm is successful in implementing the software successfully then it also succeeds in improving the long term product quality, as the software targets the factors that are directly related to improving the long term product quality. It improves areas such as finance and human resource that are directly related to aspects such as managing product

Friday, May 10, 2019

Instructional Planning and Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Instructional Planning and Strategies - Essay ExampleThis type of outline helps the students to learn more(prenominal) effectively by communicating with each other and do their call on with a little recreation with their friends. In group assignments students take active participation in the tasks that has been assigned to them. This strategy also encourages the students to enlighten other students of their group who atomic number 18 little weaker in their studies. (Goleman, D. 1998)Another type of strategy that is been honey oilly honorable is Collaborative system. This is a type of strategy which is used for broader groups or large groups. This strategy is used for the interactions of large groups to communicate with each other. In classroom environment this type of strategy is not suitable because in classes the group relieve oneselfation is smaller. This strategy is useful for making aim communities, discussion group of faculty and students of school and other broader groups which have much complicated issues to discuss with each other. (Goleman, D. 1998)The Strategy that I have elect to implement in the classroom is Co-Operative Instructional Strategy. The reason why I chosen the Co-operative strategy rather than collaborative strategy is that it encourages the student to achieve their tasks more efficiently and effectively because this strategy helps the students to achieve the common goals that have been given by the instructor. ... Students in groups also know that there success depends upon team work and every one has to try his/her best to achieve the desired result. It also provides students to learn with more come up defined frame work from which they learn from each other in a group. (Johnson, D. & Johnson, R. 1998)The importance of Co-operative Strategy is becoming very fruitful now days. Many teachers be applying this strategy in classrooms to make students facial expression comfortable and enjoy their studies. Implementing this s trategy also improve the self-esteem of students students who have disabilities for learning also take on this type of learning style and their attitude towards the school eventually becomes good. (Johnson, D. & Johnson, R. 1998)CIRCUMSTANCES FOR IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGYThere are certain conditions that have to be followed for successive results while implementing Co-Operative Strategy. When applying this strategy the teachers must do careful provision and well preparation before going in classrooms. They have to brainstorm their minds that how they leave alone implement the strategy and what would be alternatives regarding this approach if the implementation goes wrong. They should plan and prepare that how they will interact with their students in class and how will they make the environment of classroom more interactive Another condition is the proper formation of groups because if groups are not formed properly past the results of the strategy will not be appropriate. The i nstructor has to form groups in such a way that every one in the group feels good astir(predicate) their group members and every group has one or two members that are more intelligent then others so that they can teach the group members as well.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Human development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Human development - raise ExampleWillingham dispels this is as mere speculation, but public opinion con stancers this as the long-awaited evidence to justify how to come close people and identify their capabilities.The advancement of neuroscience over the years has been at an awe-inspiring speed. However, it has attracted diverse misconceptions and myths in legal injury of the cognitive ability of the brain. Several scientific findings have led to these assumptions and myths, and there applicability in the single out setting by t to each oneers is largely debatable. The left-brain versus right-brain distinctions continues to elicit varied reactions from the media and the populace. The analysis by scientists about the functioning of each hemisphere provides a better interpretation on understanding students, girls, and young children. In terms of students, it is not true that right-brained students should avoid the education system and concentrate on their artistic side. Such assum ptions may loss the thinking of parents who may choose not to educate their children through the normal schooling system, claiming that their brains hinge on the right hemisphere.Considering the information is not entirely credible, it may be risky to use it in larn worldlys. There are books that already present such information to students and teachers. Neuroscientists have tried to diffuse the redundant propaganda, but their efforts are fruitless. Both hemispheres of the brain coordinate to process information. In case one side is better, it is only by a slight margin with marginal advantages. In consequence, this means that educational material should consider whole-brain thinkers and individual needs of students, rather than focusing on faulty and unsubstantiated myths.The cognitive differences amidst boys and girls are statistically real, but at the same time, are too insignificant to determine planning of instructions across the genders. Evidently,

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Research Methodology for User Evaluation Dissertation

Research Methodology for User Evaluation - thesis ExampleScenario 4 Fourth scenario involves making changes in the personal settings of the user to protect his personal infroamtion and to raise the level of privacy from any undesired source. Changes may also be made to alter the settings for causa type, color schemes, languages etc. Scenario 5 This scenario involves the usage of the system on an alternate technology and platform to disassemble the level of compatibility with multiple environments. A video has been designed to provide a means for visual reminiscence of all the processes and functions of the system. It is common for people to understand computer operations in a better bearing if visual step-by-step tutorials are in stock(predicate). The video shall be made available in both Arabic and English languages. 9.1.1 Profiling of exemplar UbIAMS The preceding chapter explains the models that form the basis of the development of UbIAMS. The addition of the word ubiquitou s has transformed the conventional concept of being constrained at one place to being available in different spaces this introduction enhances the application to physical, as well as virtual spaces. UbIAMS has been designed on the basis of multiple models, including, architectural model, behavioural model, interaction diagram, collaboration diagram, sequence diagram and state political machine diagram. The three criteria, security and identity, accessibility and acceptability, usability and user experience rush been sidle uped in the architectural model to determine the inclusion of a diverse range of properties in the end product. The behavioural model has been developed for UbIAMS to highlight the basic operation of the system. Collaboration and interaction diagram can help the user evaluate the complexness and usefulness of the operations. State machine and... Research Methodology for User EvaluationThe formulation of the considerations for the development of the substitutio n class has been discussed in this chapter, alongside the scenarios that shall prove to facilitate the functionality of the system for the users. The scenarios also provide a full taste into the system and the scope of its functions before even operating it. This chapter also described the process and design of the sketch which is an important step in the acquisition of feedback from the users. Different age groups and types of users (varying levels of experiences and diverse degrees of disabilities) have been chosen to take care that the end product proves to be flexible for all ages and user groups. Developers often develop systems without considering the probable primary(a) computer skills of users therefore this factors has been given careful consideration in the designing of this system.This chapter also highlights the ethical considerations that have been undertaken in the processes of acquiriung feedback from the users. Their willingness to participate in the study and ea gerness to protect their information have been kept as top priorities. The users that have been chosen for the research study have been limited to the land of Saudi Arab to confer a true image of the level of acceptance that can be expected from the region after(prenominal) its eventual launch. The next chapter shall include details regarding Statistical Tools and Data Analysis Approaches.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Decision Making Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Decision Making - Research Paper ExampleThe first story of decision making according to Arkansas program is establishing a community within which the decision is to be made, this breaker point involves building and streng accordinglying relationships between members of the community, norms and procedures that influence how troubles are perceived and communicated within the group, this stage ass capture place before or during the time a fuss is identified. The second stage is the knowledge phase where an individual recognises the fact that a problem needs to be solved. Interpretation is the third stage of decision making that involves explaining the specifics of the problem and identifying the issues that may have caused the problem. Judgement is the fourth stage that involves looking at other options that are available to respond to the problem and then choosing the option that will solve the problem satisfactorily (Baghbania et al, 53). Motivation involves analysing the iss ues that may make an individual choose a less effective radical and then prioritise the solutions based on the anticipate results. The next stage is implementing the best solution to the problem the solution that is implemented should have the ability to avoid the hurdles that may arise in the instruction execution process. The seventh stage is expression in action, this stage involves analysing the problem solving process and making portion adjustments to improve effectiveness of the solution selected. The final stage in the decision making process is reflection on action which involves determining whether the solution solved the problem adequately this is done by examining the consequences and the expected outcomes of the solution. Example of decision-making An administrator in a hospital that admits patients in critical condition can be faced with a problem of getting one of the patients off a life support tool since he is unable to pay the bills or to continue letting him use the machine while his pro bono bills rise. In solving this problem, the administrator will be aware of the case by being intercommunicate by other medical practitioners who have direct contact with the patient. The second action that the administrator would take is ascertaining whether the patient is indeed unable to pay the cost of apply the machine. The administrator would then try to pay off out why the patient is unable to pay the bill, whether it is due to genuine lack of money or negligence by his relatives or the financiers of the hospital bill. The administrator would then decide on the alternatives to take regarding the patient, which may include putting the patient off the life support machine or allowing him to continue using it although he cannot pay the bill. The administrator may decide to put the patient off the machine since thither is a minimal chance of survival for the patient and his hospital bill is high which may be hard to recover. Before switching off the life support machine, the administrator will consider the issues may arise from his decision such as morality of the action, legal opinion on euthanasia among others and then prepare to handle them accordingly. The next

Monday, May 6, 2019

You are tasked with analyzing the last four years of accounts of a Essay

You are tasked with analyzing the last four courses of accounts of a global mining company - Essay ExampleGraph 1 shows the companys liquidity proportionalitys oer the four-year period.All the point ratios are less than one, and this means that performance of the company in forethought of short-run assets and liabilities is poor. In addition, current ratio and quick ratio have a declining trend, and this means that the giving medications management of liquidity worsened over the period. The two ratios, however improved from year 1 to year 2 before assuming the decreasing trend. Cash ratio reported an increasing trend tho it was too low, with a maximum value of only 0.15. Correlation analysis of the ratios identifies a positive correlation coefficient between current ratio and quick ratio and a negative correlation between bullion ratio and both current and quick ratio. Table 1 shows the correlation coefficients.Long-term solvency ratios are indicators of managements efficienc y in long-term management of resources. The ratios compare internal and external funding that an organization has and are inversely proportional to management efficiency (Thukaram 2007, p. 90). Times interest earned ration and capital reportage ratios are however inversely proportional to management efficiency (Mayes & Shank 2011, p. 118).From the graph, total debt ratio is low, over the entire period, and debt to equity ratio and equity multiplier ratio falls to lower value by year 1. The three ratios then decreases with time, indicating improved performance, which can be forecasted. Times-interest ratio and cash coverage ratio also show an improvement trend in performance because of their increasing trends over the period. transaction in management of long-term solvency is therefore strong and show improvement possibility.Asset dollar volume is other performance indicator that shows asset utilization in an organization. Inventory turnover, receivable turnover, and total asset turnover measures are directly proportional to management efficiency while days of realization and capital impregnation are inversely

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Adidas Marketing Communication Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Adidas Marketing Communication - Research Paper vitrineThey also gave training nearly how they learnt around Adidas products. They provided information some the various channels that the alliance uses in order to reach them.Data that was self-contained for this study was from both primary and secondary sources. The primary information collection methods that were apply include interviews, questionnaires and observation. Interviews were used to collect data about the marketing communication strategies used by Adidas. Both the employees of the company and members of the public were interviewed. Structured and unstructured interview questions were used to question the employees about the marketing communication strategies that the company employs in ensuring that its products penetrate the global market. The members of the public were also interviewed on their perceptions about the promotion, pricing, sponsorship, and other marketing strategies used by Adidas. Interviewing the participants was important in collecting first hand information for the study.Questionnaires were also used to collect information about the marketing communication strategies of Adidas from sportsmen, students, and other consumers. Another data collection method employed is observation. Advertisements of the company were observed in the media such as websites, television, and print media. standby sources of data such as books, business journals, and research reports were used in gathering information about the marketing communication strategies employed by Adidas. These secondary sources were important in understanding the history of the company and the market trends oer the years.In this research study, data collected was both quantitative and qualitative. The data collected was analyzed in order to identify the various methods of marketing communication that Adidas employs and their impact in influencing consumer decisions over sports equipment and apparel. Through analyzing th e data the study was able to reveal the

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Company Law methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Company Law methods - Essay sampleA attach to will also be governed by its own Memorandum and Articles of linkup. Now well shake off brief discussion about these two concepts which are considered to be the life of a companion.This is the most beta document in the ships company as it set out the constitution of a company and it is the founding on which the structure of the company is based. In other words it may say that the identity of the company is based on this. It prescribes the name of the company, its registered office, objects and capital. It also defines the extent of its powers concerning to the matters relating to its function or otherwise. The memorandum is in point a charter of the company.A company can exercise only such powers which are both expressly stated in the memorandum or as may be implied there from including matters attendant to the powers so conferred. A company must act within and not outside the scope of its memorandum. both transaction which is outside the ambit of the powers of the company shall be ultra virus and void.The articles of association of a company are the internal regulations which govern the management of the internal affairs of the company. As it meant for internal affairs, the members have full control and may by resolution alter them as they think fit so enormous as they do not exceed the limits defined by the memorandum. In other words Articles of Association form the basis of a covenant /contract that regulates the companys internal procedure and set out the rights of the shareholders as conferred by their ownership. Contractual effect of Memorandum and Articles of Association Memorandum and Articles of the company when registered, have binding forces as they bind the company and its members to the same extent as if they have been signed by the company and its all(prenominal) member. In other words, the memorandum and Articles of the company when registered,bind the members to the company and the com pany to its members, but onin the capacity of members of the company and not in any other capacitysuch as directors etc. This clause is combine in Sec.14 (1) of the3Company Law 1985. i.e. Sec.14 (1) of the Company law 1985 says that Subject to the provisions of this Act, the memorandum and articles, when registered, bind the company and its members to the same extent as if they respectively had been signed and sealed by each member, and contained covenants on the range of each member to observe all the provisions of