Monday, July 22, 2019

Creativity, Critical Thinking and Change Essay Example for Free

Creativity, Critical Thinking and Change Essay 1.1. Throughout this century, a famous painting entitled The Man with the Golden Helmet was believed to be the work of the Dutch master Rembrandt. Some years ago it was proved to have been painted by someone else. Some people would say that the truth about this painting changed. Do you agree? Explain. The book tells us that truth is the accurate representation of objective reality, and that our assumptions, and wishes do not affect the reality of the facts. With that being said; I would say yes the truth about the painting changed. Since there is hard evidence that proves it was not the work of Rembrandt then, the truth has changed. 1.2. Examine each of the following cases in light of what you’ve learned about truth in this chapter. State your view and explain why you hold it. a. Ira is a journalist. Will the belief that he can create his own truth make him more or less likely to value accuracy in his reporting? If Will believes he can make his own truth it will make him less likely to value accuracy in his reporting. The news is one thing and opinions are another. By creating his own truth he is interjecting his opinions, and ignoring the facts of the news. b. Bruce is prejudiced against minorities and women. Which of the following beliefs would be more helpful in overcoming his prejudice; the belief that truth is subjective and created; or the belief that truth is objective and discovered? Explain your reasoning. I would say that belief that truth is objective and discovered would help Bruce in overcoming his prejudice in minorities and women. This way of thinking about truth relies on facts, and historical truth; where Bruce could look back at history and find instances where women and minorities have excelled. If Bruce continues to believe that he can create his own truth, it is likely he will continue to not look at the facts and continue to judge people based on race and gender. c. Most students can use additional motivation to learn. Will the belief that they can create their own truth help or hinder their motivation? Explain. The book tells us that this belief can stifle success because it leads one to believe that just the belief – not talent or hard work will guarantee success. This will hinder motivation because belief in oneself is just part of the equation for success. If they believe that truth is discovered this will help motivate them to study hard and be successful. 1.3. Classify each of the following exchanges as (a) an actual contradiction or (b) a near contradiction. Briefly explain each choice. MAVIS: Big time college sports are corrupt. Near contradiction. The statement can be both true and false in the same way at the same time. Not all big time college sports or corrupt, but some are. CORA: You’re absolutely wrong, Mavis. Â  Actual contradiction. The statement cannot be true and false in the same way at the same time. Mavis is wrong or right. KAREN: There are very few real heroes today. Â  Near contradiction. This is an opinion so it can both be true and false in the same way at the same time. HANNA: I think there are more today than there have ever been. Actual contradiction. This statement cannot be true and false in the same way at the same time. BRAD: Look at that new Lincoln across the street. Actual contradiction. This statement cannot be true and false in the same way at the same time. CLARA: That isn’t a Lincoln – it’s a Mercury. Â  Actual contradiction. This statement cannot be true and false in the same way at the same time.

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